Above the vanity, I'd like 2 small mirrors to separate the his and her sinks. Here is a nice, affordable oval option.

Or maybe something in a dark wood to accent the vanity and bring more color to the walls.
I'd like to add sconce lighting on each side of the mirrors and possibly one in between, depending on the available space. Lately, I've been finding that the source of every light fixture I love, used by designers, happens to come from Circa Lighting. They have so many gorgeous options that are often only available "to the trade"...of course they come with the trade price and are never in my budget. Here are some of my favorites with this spot in mind, all priced over $300 a piece.

And here are some more realistic options from Home Depot. We've noticed that Lowes carries a much larger selection in-store, but Home Depot rivals them online. Most of these could be updated with new globes or shades. My favorites are the last 2, which both fall under $30.

Above the bath, I'd like a small, hanging chandelier, which will be offset from the window. The cheapest option would be recessed lighting, but I think something like this or this from Circa Lighting would be ideal.

I'll settle for one of these, closer to my budget.

We'll use a water-safe, recessed light in the shower. Something like this.

Towel bars, toilet paper holder, and robe hooks are easy to find and always cheapest at HomeGoods. Here is a nice set. If it was my forever home, I'd go with something of a little better quality, like Baldwin products.

The bathroom's window will be opaque on the bottom half and will have a roman shade of bamboo or fabric. I always find the best deals for the sizes I need at JCPenneys. They use to carry an awesome cordless collection, but they seem to be out of stock. I really hope they come back soon!

I know I could make these pretty easily with the kits they sell at JoAnns and some home decor fabrics, but the price and construction quality of the Penny's shades doesn't make it worth it. If I decide on a fabric shade, I'll probably accent it with an appliqued ribbon border.
When you walk into the bathroom you are met with a large bare wall. I added some botanical prints to my parent's wall, which I really love, but they are part of a larger collection I'll eventually put in another room. Since I don't want the same look in both places, I need another solution. I'd like to stick with the wood frames, but I haven't decided what I'd like to frame. I'm still thinking about some options that will keep the space neutral in color. Some popular ideas right now are sheet music, manuscript pages, architectural drawings, sepia toned photos and maps. I'm leaning towards a set of 3 street maps, either a series of one map or 3 maps of different cities we love. Here are some examples that could work, from Little Green Notebook.

This one from Z gallerie would be perfect.

I like this map of Florence even more, from Restoration Hardware, which we could easily turn into a series.
If I was looking for a little more color, this map wrapping paper from Cavallini could easily be framed. Quite a bit more budget friendly.

I think something like this, of Philadelphia, could be just the ticket!

Last but not least, towels and accessories. I love white towels. Beau, not so much. We've built up a nice stock of white and beige towels that will work perfectly. I love my Martha Stewart Low Twist Towels. We'll be able to reuse our accessories, which will work perfectly in white and chrome, similar to the set below.

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