Continuing the house tour, our next stop is the kitchen. It took a lot of self-control not to use quotes around the word "kitchen". So much for self-control.
The kitchen can be seen when entering through the front door, just past the dining room. You can tell there was some updating done in here, but nothing real useful. They actually bricked over one of the few windows, which I'm pretty sure broke a cardinal rule of row home ownership: embrace every little bit of sunlight available to you. Well, you be the judge.

This is a newer fridge, but awkward much? The lost window was behind the fridge.

Washing machine in the kitchen. Just wait for the "dryer".

So that's about all my stomach could handle in there. You're welcome for passing on the close-ups of that stove mess and the critters living above the bowed cabinets.
If only these pictures were scratch and snif...
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